What will ever remain is what we've have seen, the only other thing we could find is simply more footage from the Tokyo Toy Show event but that's getting doubtful now. Yeah, the ROM and the dev board or cartridge that would have been used is long gone. But we just have this, this is where it leads us to as of now. Bummer to say but I really wanted to see the prototype and before I used to do a LOT of research about its history and such. I can count on drx but as I mentioned in the previous comment, he'll fail to find the ROM, so really. And honestly, SEGA doesn't care if we discover a prototype of either any Genesis, Master System, Game Gear or MEGA/SEGA CD games. But just maybe if we can find some RAM data or source code hidden behind TTS we can uncover most things, but not the full ROM. But since TTS and Sonic 1 share differences there "can" be a possible term of finding it, but that's gonna take a lot of work. It's really rare now if we were to uncover the ROM here and looking inside RAM data of Sonic 1 is not gonna help at all. TTS could've had that chance but it didn't cuz y'know, the whole ROM got lost yada-yada-yada. Naka said the security wasn't that good so the proto ended up being snatched and released into the public. Sonic 2's SW Prototype on the other hand was something else, way apart from the Tokyo Toy Show prototype. Elsewhere this prototype is different from all of the other prototypes we have seen and I assume there was some pictures on some sort of box art of what I heard. But back then after Naka said the ROM was lost there was a higher chance of finding it in the mid-2000s. And yes I agree that Sonic 1 still has some unused leftovers in its source code. Similarly, an update in Sonic the Hedgehog (2013) claims to have thwarted the doctor's plans to "fill the game with bugs".Nov 13, 2022, 9:16 You seem to know a lot about prototype history mate.Robotnik that take advantage of Sonic's speed. The English manual of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 offers an in-universe explaination for glitches, stating that they are "diabolical traps" created by Dr.Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games.Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games.Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.