Note: The Blood Sickle and G36C is not purchasable in-store while the beta is ongoing.G36C Assault Rifle (SWAT, Tier 4, $1600).Blood Sickle (Berserker, Tier 4, $1500).HRG Dragonsblaze (Firebug, Tier 4, $1400).Compatible for Survival, Weekly, Endless.Perk levelling between builds should work fine though. bugs tied to the upcoming seasonal objective rewards). Your stats and inventory will carry over from the standard game to the beta fine, though the reverse (beta to standard builds) may cause some issues (i.e. Will my progress from the standard build be carried over to the beta build (and vice versa)? The Tripwire Bug Report subforum is the best way to bring a bug to Tripwire's attention. I found a bug! Where do I submit a bug report?

How do I submit feedback regarding the beta? Full release for all platforms should arrive a few weeks' time from when the first beta is released. Typically, the first beta lasts two weeks before a new beta build is released. How long will this beta be running until? Non-server hosts (EGS only): Simply launch the ‘Killing Floor 2 Beta’ install in the launcher. Server hosts (Steam only): Type the following in SteamCMD: 'app_update 232130 -beta preview' Non-server hosts (Steam only): Right click KF2 in your library dropdown menu, select 'Properties', then 'Betas', then select 'preview -' in the dropdown menu